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Why Ignatian Prayer

A Proven Method

Cloisters Ignatian Prayer follows the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, a centuries-proven method of meditation and prayer that can offer guidance in making life decisions. This method is still beneficial today as a way of discovering yourself and finding enlightenment.

About St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius of a Loyola was a 16th century soldier-turned-theologian and founder of the Society of Jesus (also known as the Jesuits). While recovering from a battle wound, Ignatius began reading the Bible and was inspired to write the Spiritual Exercises. He understood that strength gained through meditation is as vital as physical stamina.

guidebook to prayer

Guidebook to Prayer

The Spiritual Exercises ask us to examine ourselves and our relationship with God through the life of Jesus. During each of four stages of contemplation, we’re instructed to use our five senses to place ourselves in scenes from scripture, and to imagine conversations with God and the saints.

time for relection

Time for Reflection

St. Ignatius encouraged retreats in daily life. That’s why we created this experience to help you make time for prayer and reflection—whenever it’s convenient. With guidance from noted spiritual leaders, our video lessons and exercises give you the tools you need to build your own practice.

Featured Retreat Leaders

Father Robert J. Kroll, S.J.

Father Frank Reale, S.J.

Father Joe Laramie, S.J.

Father David Romero, S.J.

Father Andrew Roza

Father Michael Rossmann, S.J.

Alice Nahas

Vinita Hampton Wright

Father Aaron Pidel, S.J.

Father Robert J. Kroll, S.J.

Father Frank Reale, S.J.

Father Joe Laramie, S.J.

Father David Romero, S.J.

Father Andrew Roza

Father Michael Rossmann, S.J.

Alice Nahas

Vinita Hampton Wright

Father Aaron Pidel, S.J.